
Showing posts from 2015

The Crafty Boys / Episode 19 / Windy Juxtapose of The IPA

This week we hit up the Four Winds Brewing Company's IPA selections. The first is a member from their Zephyrus line Juxtapose Brett IPA . This is their limited selection beer line and is very, very tasty. The second beer is the Four Wind's IPA , their standard year round line. The Beer This Week   These are both very good beers. You can't go wrong with either but, for those who are the more adventurous, the Juxtapose is something that may change your mind about IPA. Juxtapose Brett IPA Four Wind's IPA The Topics #canadianmanstuff #manstuff #indianajones #adventure #greatestcharacterofalltime #harrisonford #hansolo #jamesbond #livesweallneedtolive #starwars #georgelucas Stalk Us Your Hosts @shanebee @alanmford @thephule @lockiefulton

The Crafty Boys / Episode 18 / The Hollow and the Redness

We are kicking back with Big Rock Brewery's Hollow Tree Red Ale . It turns out, this is not your regular Big Rock. It was brewed in Vancouver, BC, using BC ingredients. It is quite the shift in the Big Rock arsenal. We dive in and soak ourselves in the Pacific Northwest waters and enjoy the heck out of this one. This beer influenced us to talk about new movies from old properties. We are nervous but hopeful that these films and stories we grew up with don't get killed by money grabs. There is also some discussion about how fans are now in control (somewhat) and how they can influence the properties that do get made. The Beer This Week We enjoyed the hell out of this beer. It really became an episode love fest for Big Rock. Big Rock Pacific Northwest Hollow Tree The Topics #canadianmanstuff #manstuff #bigrock #hollowtreeredale #presidentialrun #usa #pacificnorthwest #brew...

The Crafty Boys / Episode 17 / The Subtle Smurfiness of The Coconut Bird

We are braving the  Swans Coconut Porter  -- we expected to taste some sweetness with this beer (after all, it says coconut on the flavour). This is a pick from Dave and he is a huge fan of this beer. It has a bold flavour. There may not be a lot of coconut but it is still very yummy. We give it four Smurfs and a snjord. The Beer This Week We all decided we liked this beer because it is very subtle in taste. It makes us all want to talk about expensive sandwiches and start up our own brewing business -- but only if there is a huge margin in sandwiches. Especially if  those sandwiches are more than $200 a sitting. We would also use gold leaf and diamonds. We tackle this expensive sandwich debacle head on. The Topics #canadianmanstuff #manstuff #sandwich #grilledcheese #monetarylimit #cheesemoney #goldensandwich #thesmurfs #coconut Stalk Us ...

Dave Ran Over A Goat In His New Jetta | Episode 16

We talk about beer... and we love to do it especially if they are "weird". We are braving the Red Racer Maple Bacon Ale -- we'd heard good things but it does scare us that we may be drinking brewed maple syrup and pancake batter. The goat then got up, called in a favour from his bear buddies, and Dave was quickly subdued and roasted in a pit for later consumption.

The Crafty Boys / Episode 14 / The Cars of the Black, White, and Blue

We talk about beer... this week we rock out to what we consider to be an "oldie". This gets us talking about cars and how we love the cars we used to own. Old things are better things or... are they? The Topics #beer #manstuff #canadianmanstuff #bluebuck #phillipsbrewing This Week's Beer Phillips Brewing Blue Buck Stalk Us

The 4th Mile Stretch | Episode 13 | Beer Review | The Crafty Boys

We talk about beer... we delve into some beers that we haven't tried before. Our in-house 4 Mile historian wasn't able to attend this one otherwise we may have had a far more informative discussion.  So, we talk about stuffing raisins up our noses when we were kids. Dave was looking around at some dancing lights and it turned out that a bear attached an LED light to a bear tail... it ended a little weird. ♥ Subscribe ♥ __Episodes__ Previous Episode ► Next Episode ► __This Week's Beer__ 4 Mile Brewing __Stalk Us__ #beer #craftbeer #beerreview

The Silence of the Pipers | Episode 12 | Beer Review

We talk about beer... beer from our memories. This episode includes a brief history lesson about how Vancouver Island Breweries Piper's Pale Ale went from a good beer and became a sad beer. Something that we don't often run into. We also find out that our memory is better than reality. Dave was never a member of the Piper's club so... well, he was eaten by a pack of bear club members because their tolerance is much lower than ours. Poor Dave.

Secrets of the Chocolatey Sasquatch | Episode 11 | Beer Review

We talk about beer... a lot.  Our big feets talk about how Sasquatch is awesome and coffee, chocolate, and stouts can never go wrong. It appears that films from the 1980s and 1990s have really done a number on our memory of the backwoods and we try to justify our very existence. But are we telling a tall tale? Dave was certain he had caught a glimpse of the elusive Big Bearfoot. We didn't believe him and neither should you. He is a fibber, that Dave. A fibber, we say!

We Raised The Hops | Episode 10 | Beer Review

This is a very Canadian episode this week as we tackle Russell Brewing's IP'eh but, as can happen, other beers crept in and stole some of the limelight. But that's okay, we talked about them anyway. We decide to run through how hops are used in various beers and then we drink beer. What more could you want from an episode?  Dave was cute and all but his introduction was a little weak so we sent up some flares to attract zombie bears to come and take care of him.

The Hijacking of Your Dick Pics | Episode 9 | Beer Review

We drink a lot of different beers this evening and talk about penis photos. But not just any penis photos, we talk about the hacking of people's phone and how they are vulnerable and don't quite realize that their data is not entirely safe in a world of SMS, MMS, and non-encrypted communications. Yah. Solid episode. Some bears got a bit excited about seeing pictures of Dave's junk so they took the initiative and took a few of him themselves... then ate him.

The Doughnut & The Savages | Episode 8 | Beer Review

It is big number eight this week and we've chosen a weird beer... one that we can't all get. We bounced around a bit with our beer choices but, hey, it was a unique. We talked a lot about old televisions and how we interacted with televisions over the years. Dave gazed a bit too long into the eyes of a bear television star and was punished by being sucked into the television with said bear and eaten while clapping.

Fruity Pebbles Could Be A Great Beer | Episode 7 | Beer Review

Like the adventurers before us, this is the seventh adventure of the seventh day, of the seventh month... or something equally dramatic. We are going fruit beer this time and we all got raspberry beers. One from Vancouver Island and one from North Yorkshire. Tasty! Dave was tasty to his multi-coloured bear friends.

Ruby Goblins & Mr. Spock | Episode 6 | Beer Review

We experience some technical issues with our sixth adventure into the world of #canadianmanstuff. We talk about beer and technology and the passing of Mr. Spock. We've received some great feedback regarding the show and I am sure we'll take it into account in the near future. Of course, we might not. Dave was turned into a frog by his bear infestation and squashed.

Chocolate Beer & Ageless Video Games | Episode 5 | Beer Review

Our fifth adventure means we talk about chocolate and video games. How could this conversation go wrong? We touch on some older video games like Scorched Earth which is an epic game. Also, we're getting used to doing this and we hope we're making it awesome. Thanks for the positive feedback we've received! Dave tried to explain the magic of video games to his bear admirers but the claws sank into his hands too quickly and he lost too many games. He was eaten as the reward.

Blackberry Goodness & Valentine's Blowjob Day | Episode 4 | Beer Review

Our fourth kick at the can is a low energy episode where we talk about deep topics that men are concerned with: 50 Shades of Grey and a bunch of other really... non-manly things. We're real men! Really! We are! We don't need to justify Valentine's Day and Steak and Blowjob Day. Dave asked a bear for a blowjob but... well, the offer was declined.

Dreaming of Dream Cars & Missing Our Beers | Episode 3 | Beer Review

Our third episode begins with a tragic event. We couldn't find the beer we all wanted... it was sad. We just used beers that were laying around the house and talked about those -- because, if you can't say something about the beer you have on hand, you shouldn't have any beer in the house in the first place! When Dave began drinking his soda water, three bears appeared in his room. One was orange, one was purple, and the last bear was a normal black. They gnawed on his ankles. ♥ Subscribe ♥

The Attack of The 50 Foot Banana Breads | Episode 2 | Beer Review

We embark on our second episode with a new friend -- Lock! He is a beer expert with beer drinking experience from three continents. He is a fountain of beer knowledge and shows us quite often how much we need to learn. We secretly think he has injected hops directly into his central nervous system. Dave looked deeply into the eyes of a mysterious black haired beauty of a bear and was whisked away into the treetops.

Indiana Jones & The Temple of Milk Stouts | Episode 1 | Fuggles & Warlock | Beer Review

Here we are, people. This is where it all began. Mark it on your calendars because there is no going back! We've hit the scene and we're going to make our mark. We're not entirely sure what that mark will be but we know it will be awesome. Just remember: The boys have arrived on the scene and we like to talk about craft beer. Our first beer ever is the Fuggles & Warlock Bean Me Up Espresso Milk Stout. We found this beer at the Great Canadian Beerfest in Victoria, British Columbia -- and it was our very first love. Coffee infused into beer and it is nothing short of perfection. Dave learned a very important lesson in this very first episode: bears are attracted to his silky blond hair.