Dreaming of Dream Cars & Missing Our Beers | Episode 3 | Beer Review

Our third episode begins with a tragic event. We couldn't find the beer we all wanted... it was sad. We just used beers that were laying around the house and talked about those -- because, if you can't say something about the beer you have on hand, you shouldn't have any beer in the house in the first place!

When Dave began drinking his soda water, three bears appeared in his room. One was orange, one was purple, and the last bear was a normal black. They gnawed on his ankles.

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Previous Episode ► https://youtu.be/2H9cQDADnQE
Next Episode ► https://youtu.be/fDUFXL7RkeE

__This Week's Beer__

Parallel 49 Brewing
Toques of Hazzard & Cascade Hop

Alexander Keith's Brewery
Saphir Hop

__Stalk Us__





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