The Eight Headed Octosour | Episode 201 | Beer Review

On this week's show we're getting all sour about beer... Apricotopus Apricot Sour that is. Parallel 49 Brewing Co. has created a sour that is inspired by the octopus. We're not sure why either but this beer promises to make our lips pucker just like an octopus bum. (Do they have bums?) We're going to dive in and swim around in the apricot juice and see what happens.

Dave was puckered so much during this episode that several nearby bears could hear his cries of sourness and they bust in through his windows and cuddled him out of pity.

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__This Week's Beer__

Parallel 49 Brewing

__About The Show__

The Crafty Boys is a fun project for a bunch of friends to sit around, share a beer, and talk about whatever is going on in the beer industry... and other things. We hope you like what we're doing. If you do, make sure to subscribe for more and tell everyone you know about our program.

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