The Light In The Darkness | Episode 184 | Beer Review

We delved into the darkness of space to find this Russian beer and we were successful with our retrieval methods. Driftwood Brewery has produced a top secret beer that only a few people know about. The science is just that good and secretive... but now... we reveal this beer for what it truely is.

Dave was able to sleep off his bear cuddle hangover and made his thoughts known as to inter-species cuddles.

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__The Beer__

Singularity Russian Imperial Stout
Driftwood Brewing

__About The Show__

The Crafty Boys is a fun project for a bunch of friends to sit around, share a beer, and talk about whatever is going on in the beer industry... and other things. We hope you like what we're doing. If you do, make sure to subscribe for more and tell everyone you know about our program.

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