It's Gonna Get Sour Before It Gets Sweeter | Episode 191 | Beer Review

This excellent lemon-lime sour beer was thunk up by the wizards at Lighthouse Brewing Co. The Lemon Line Sour Ale is low in booze but has a heart that will tear your taste buds out and beat them to sour-y amazement.

Dave was able to avoid bear-related death this week as he used the lemons in the beer to mask his scent with lemon-y goodness. Bears don't like being cleaned with lemons so they missed him entirely.

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__The Beer__

Lemon Lime Sour Ale
Lighthouse Brewing Co.

__About The Show__

The Crafty Boys is a fun project for a bunch of friends to sit around, share a beer, and talk about whatever is going on in the beer industry... and other things. We hope you like what we're doing. If you do, make sure to subscribe for more and tell everyone you know about our program.

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